Michael Jordan gets engaged over Christmas – USATODAY.com

CHARLOTTE& 13; (AP)& 13; & 13; –& 13; Michael Jordan is engaged to longtime girlfriend Yvette Prieto, a Cuban-American model he's been dating for three years.

  • Michael Jordan is shown in late March in Las Vegas with now-fiancee Yvette Prieto.

    By Brian Jones, AP

    Michael Jordan is shown in late March in Las Vegas with now-fiancee Yvette Prieto.

By Brian Jones, AP

Michael Jordan is shown in late March in Las Vegas with now-fiancee Yvette Prieto.

Publicist Estee Portnoy confirmed the news Thursday, first reported by television station WCNC in Charlotte.

The Charlotte Bobcats owner got engaged over the Christmas weekend. No wedding date has been set.

Jordan, an NBA Hall of Famer who won six titles with the Chicago Bulls in the 1990s, is 48. Prieto is 32.

This will be Jordan's second marriage. He married Juanita Vanoy in September 1989, and they divorced in 2006. They have two sons, Jeffrey Michael and Marcus James, and a daughter, Jasmine.

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