News - Lindsay Lohan Dons Kimono For 'Liz & Dick' Flick

And hello to you, too, Lindsay.

Lindsay Lohan tweeted "Konichiwa!" – "hello" in Japanese – from the set of her Lifetime TV biopic, Liz & Dick, about the late Elizabeth Taylor.

She also shared a very interesting visual.

The 25-year-old, who's playing screen icon Elizabeth Taylor in the Lifetime flick, posted a photo of herself wearing a red kimono and a black bobbed wig.

Earlier, Lohan had filmed a pool scene with co-star Grant Bowler at a Hollywood Hills estate.

In other Lohan news, the actress finally settled a 2007 lawsuit.

Dante Nigro, Ronnie Blake and Jakon Sutter had accused Lohan of false imprisonment, negligence, intentional infliction of emotional distress and assault and battery after a high-speed car chase.

Lohan allegedly drove Nigro's car after a Malibu party in an attempt to chase her former assistant's car – then tried to chase a second woman's car.

Details of the settlement weren't revealed, but the men's attorney Randall Billington told E!, "[We] are happy to have this all resolved. My clients thought [the settlement] was fair."

Lohan's spokesman Steve Honig, meanwhile, didn't have much to say about the development, telling Newsday, "We're focused on projects in 2012, not lawsuits from 2007."

What do you think of Lindsay's kimono? Sound off in the comments!

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