What life lesson came from your first job? - Local News - Orange County, CA - Santa Ana, CA

& Most of us get our first jobs as teenagers, working part time while in school or full time after graduation. &

Memories of that first job, that first paycheck, never leave us. With Labor Day approaching, we thought it would be fun to hear about your first job and what you learned that has stuck with you throughout your working life -- good, bad or otherwise.

Now, we're not talking about babysitting or mowing your neighbor's lawn. We want to know about your first foray into the workforce.

Please tell us in 200 words or less by sending an email to Register writer Theresa Walker, whose first paycheck came from a trophy factory the summer before her senior year in high school. Email her at twalker@ocregister.com and put the words FIRST JOB in the subject heading. Include your first and last name, city of residence and a daytime phone number where you can be reached (not for publication).

If you have photos showing you at your first job, or dressed up for it, you can share those with us, too, by attaching them as jpegs to your email. And tell us something about the photo.

We need to hear from you by the end of the day Monday, Aug. 29. Now, get back to work.

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